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The Blurry Line Between Life and Art: Artist Talk with Annalisa Oswald

Artist, Illustrator and Professor Annalisa Oswald poses the essential question: What is my purpose and how do I live it? 

Drawing on her own experiences from a career of making art, working in technology, teaching, telling stories, and creating ALL THE THINGS, Annalisa will show how a path of curiosity, experimentation, collaboration, and embracing the unexpected curveballs of life, can inspire us to find deeper engagement with our creativity, our communities, and a stronger connection to our purpose.

Before and after the talk, attendees are also invited to preview our Illustration Show before it opens on December 10. Artists on view include Annalisa Oswald, Danie Drankwalter, Elizabeth DeJure Wood, Emily Ann Hoffman and Kailey Whitman.
