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Writing Club

Looking for accountability on your writing project? We're here to support that!

Once monthly we will be dedicating space and time for writing in the Gallery. We'll use the first hour for writing, followed by discussion. If you're interested in turning your thoughts into words–but struggle to put pen to paper–these 'butt in seat' accountability sessions are a great way to get started!

For Yellow Studio Members. RSVP required.

Writing Club: Critique Night

Interested in receiving feedback on your work?  The Writing Club will be hosting Critique Night once every other month.

YS Members can email their work, up to 3000 words to Molly and/or Lauren by April 20 to distribute to participants to read. If you prefer to read/perform a short piece (~3 to 5 minutes in length) that is also an option. As always, you can clarify the type of feed-back you'd like.

Book Club: Before Us by Jewel E. Ann

Join us for Book Club at Bedford Books on Thursday April 24 at 6:30pm to discuss Before Us by Jewel E. Ann. There will be lively discussion, questions posed and answered and time to connect with fellow YS Members.